Sec A: Verbal: 15ques. It was very easy. The first five questions were fill in the blanks with prepositions. One question was on identifying the missing punctuation mark. One question was on active and passive voice. And one question was on direct and indirect speech. One question was picking out the odd man out from the words" skulk, lurk, malinger, correct". A question was given on filling up of correct word, etc.
I dint prepare anything fr English but I managed it.
Sec B: Analytical + Quant: 15 ques. It was very difficult. None of them are frm R.S.Agarwal. We have to use our common sense to do them. One question was on pendulum length and time period. The proportionality was mentioned. And to my shock there were three paragraphs in this section. We asked to find out the conclusions. And I can remember one question. There was a wall of length 40m.Also a ladder of length 9m.The question was how much length ladder a man should use to reach the top of wall. Also a series was given. I don't remember the series. Not even a single question was given on time nd wrk, time nd distance, and pipes nd cisterns.
Sec C: Technical: 20 ques. It was easy because I m frm CSE. Many of the questions were from C, pointers, CPP, DBMS, OS. Frm UNIX there were 3 questions. One of them was what is the command to remove all the files, directories etc? The options were "1.rm 2.rm * 3.rm *.* 4.none". Two ques frm Computer Networks. One of them was to fill up blanks in various layers of OSI model.
It has sectional cutoff, nd time was 60 mins. no negative markin was thre. But i attempted only those on wch i was confident. I attempted english-12, aptitude-13, technical-16.
Round 2: Tech Interview
After one nd a half hr, results came nd I was there in d shortlisted candidates. I entered and sat there for my turn to come. thre were many sitting out of which one person called me and interviewed me. He was the coolest man. He asked me to sit down. Then he asked me for my resume, I gave to him. He went thru my resume nd asked me abt my seminars which I had given. I explaind him. Then he asked abt my family background. He asked me one question frm java i.e about the files which we import. And asked abt function overloading. Frm unix he asked me the command to list al the files. He asked abt UML (Unified Modeling Language). He asked what is UML. I expained it as we r havin it in our 3rd year 2nd sem. He asked me to explain software engineering. Also software life cycle. I have mentioned 8086 in my resume. He asked me one question on it. He asked me how can u lead a team when others r not listening ur words. I answered him "Such a situation will never happen if I am the team lead". I was able to answer all d ques well. After that, he gave me the HR form. It meant that ur tech intw was clear. I was thre in abt 25 mins.
Round 3: HR Interview
Nearly 110 sat in written from our college. 54 shortlstd in tech, 33 shrtlistd in hr, 19 selected.
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